30th CIGRE Greece National Conference in Athens

CIGRE National Committee of Greece organizes the Conference “Athens 2020” on 2 and 3 of April 2020. As it is already scheduled, the Technical Council of CIGRE international organization will take place in parallel on 3 and 4 April 2020. Taking advantage of the Technical Council meeting in Athens, 4 Tutorials will be also offered in the afternoon 2nd of April 2019.

The tentative program is as follows:

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
2/4/2020 3/4/2020 4/4/2020 5/4/2020
plenary session plenary session room room
09:00-13:00 NC Conference NC Conference Technical Council Meeting Technical Council Meeting Technical Council Visit
14:00-18:00 Tutorials (4h)

Call for papers 

Colloquium ATHENS 2018 “Latest developments in HVDC systems, battery storage and EMF Challenges for integrating connections in transmission and distribution systems”

Colloquium ATHENS 2018

“Latest developments in HVDC systems, battery storage and EMF

Challenges for integrating connections in transmission and distribution systems”

 Organized by CIGRE Greek National Committee

 Friday 30 November 2018

Hotel Divani Palace Acropolis, Parthenonos 19-25, Athens

(200m from Acropolis Metro Station)

This Colloquium aims to inform CIGRE members on the important issues that:

  • Were at the heart of the 47th CIGRE Session in Paris
  • Are of particular interest and importance for Greece

The presentations will be given in English by invited speakers, among them the President of International CIGRE, current and former Study Committees Chairmen and international experts.

With the presentations, questions and discussions that will take place during the Colloquium, it is expected that important information will be transferred to the audience on the current trends of the technology and its implementation for the development and operation of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure.

There is no attendance fee for the participation in the Colloquium. However, registration for the event is mandatory. Please submit the registration form by 16 November 2018. For further information, you may contact the Secretariat of the CIGRE NC of Greece (e-mail: s.pantazi@dei.com.gr , phone: 210-3216851, Mrs. Smaragda Pantazi).

Colloquium ATHENS 2018

 “Latest developments in HVDC systems, battery storage and EMF

Challenges for integrating connections in transmission and distribution systems”

 Organized by CIGRE Greek National Committee

 Friday 30 November 2018

Hotel Divani Palace Acropolis, Parthenonos 19-25, Athens

(200m from Acropolis Metro Station)

 P R O G R A M

08:3009:00    Registration

 09:00-10:00    Opening Session

CIGRE Greek National Committee Chairman Opening Speech

IPTO (the Greek TSO) Chairman Addressing Speech (presentation )

HEDNO (the Greek DSO) CEO Addressing Speech

Introduction by the Colloquium Moderator K.O. Papailiou, CIGRE Fellow

 10:00-10:30    Keynote Speaker: Rob Stephen, CIGRE President (presentation )

CIGRE strategy and the future grid direction

 10:30-11:00    Coffee break

 11:00-13:15    Session A

 VSC HVDC Systems with long submarine cables

Mohamed Rashwan,  CIGRE SC B4 Chairman (presentation )

 Multi-terminal and multi-vendor HVDC systems

Athanasios Krontiris,  CIGRE SC B4 Expert (presentation )

 Selection Criteria for VSC HVDC System Solutions

Marcus Haeusler,  CIGRE SC B4 Expert (presentation )

 Key factors in expanding HVDC Multi-Terminal Systems

Marcelo Ferraz,  CIGRE SC B4 Expert (presentation )

 13:15-13:30    Special Session

To honour distinguished CIGRE Members for their contributions

 13:30-14:30    Light lunch

 14:30-15:30    Session B

 Impact of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) on Distribution Networks

Nikos Hatziargyriou,  CIGRE SC C6 former Chairman (presentation )

EMF – time to reassure

Konstantin O. Papailiou  CIGRE SC B2 former Chairman  (presentation )

 15:30-16:00    Closing Session

Conclusions – Discussion